It's All Going On....

17/04/2013 20:02

Well, sorry for the mini 'hiatus'. Not intentional, just been trying to do "non-cancer" related stuff. Not successfully as it  happens. I saw my Consultant again on Monday. Had a red and angry boob again which I thought was infected. It is obviously cross as it knows its days are numbered. My Consultant wasn't sure and thought it may be necrosis. But he prescribed me antibiotics anyway.

As I am a bit of a gamer, I liken him to the "Prince of Persia" franchise, a master swordsman, ready to do battle with double blades as well as staff.  I reckon the shitty cancer doesn't stand a chance with him. He confirms we are all systems go for the mastectomy date. So that is all good. (Although the prospect of losing a boob is not so good!)

Then down to the other hospital(s) today for a full day of needles, scans, tests, meetings with consultants and form filling. I fell like I could give a presentation on it! We begin the day with another CT Scan. I have to have a big cannula in this time as the "Magic medicine" has to go through a big vein/artery. It is pretty unpleasant as my poor right arm ( my left cannot be used anymore due to the full clearance - like, forever!) has really had enough of needles. As soon as a needle approaches , it goes into full lockdown mode, screaming "My God, I cannot take anymore, get away from meeeeee". SO it is a challenge for the radiographer. Eventually it goes in and then I go through the donut again. This time I have to put my arms above my head. This is also tricky, My left arm is still sore from the first op in February and always hurts when it is elevated. And my right arm is groaning in pain as it is cannulated and connected to a pump. The radioactive iodine is pumped in and I feel hot, then cold, and then hot and also feel like I have peed my pants. Which I haven't. (I don't have any on anyway as all gowned up!) Very weird feeling, All done and eventually arm can be relieved of cannula.

We whisk off to the next hospital. My sis is driving and I am navigating. We get lost a few times but evenutally get there. I meet the nurse who weighs and measures me. I have lost another kg so I am happy. But also appears I have shrunk a cm - bah, blooming chemo side effects! An ECG is done, forms are filled in and then more dreaded blood tests. By this time by right arm is blue from the cannula earlier. It takes several attempts to drain a few vials out. Now I know how a vampire victim feels....